August 2018

Baseline DEXA Scan Results

So I had my first DEXA scan today. It was not pretty.

31% body fat, nearly 54 pounds of the stuff. I had some success with my current approach in 2015, and a failed attempt in 2016 when I tore my AC joint downhill mountain biking. 

It’s day four of not drinking & no snacking after dinner. I keep trying to grab a handful of chips on my way by the kitchen but remind myself NO.

To be continued…

Weight Loss

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The road to race weight

I once again find myself in the familiar position of having to lose a bunch of weight. Excuses abound but really I just stopped caring over the last two years.

My target race weight is right around 140# and 10-11% body fat based on previous DEXA scans and experience. I was here in January of 2016, having hit 186 after having our first son and moving to Denver from the east coast. I was able to maintain 1-2 pounds per week of weight loss until I hit 150 and then it slowed WAY down.



I am currently 180#.

So what is my plan? Start simple.

  • Stop drinking.
  • Stop snacking after dinner.
  • Start working on the aerobic base riding the bike super slowly for around 10 hours a week.

I have a DEXA scan scheduled for tomorrow and I will schedule a follow up every 6 weeks, it really helps me stay on track and focused.

I will be stepping on the scale every day. Maybe there is some WordPress widget that will upload my current weight. Yes a lot of people say thats overkill, useless, demotivating, etc. Not for me, I believe you really do get what you measure.

So, here we go. I’m putting this out into the world in hopes that it serves as another point of accountability.

Weight Loss

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